Medication Assistance
Medication support is normally assessed by the local council and is part of most care assessments. It ranges from prompting people to take medication to administering medicines when a person no longer can manage and understand their medication needs, for example, if they have dementia or Alzheimer’s. All of our carers receive medication training and have the skills that meet the recommendations set out by the City of Edinburgh Council and the Care Inspectorate.

If you feel that 1st Focus Homecare is a company you can trust, please feel free to contact our office on 0131 510 7878 where we can discuss your care needs. If we think we can help you or your loved one, we can arrange to meet you in your home in person to assess your care needs. Once an agreement is in place either with you privately or via the local council, we will build you a care and support plan and agree on a start date.